jueves, 21 de enero de 2016

News in levels

Goat and tiger become friends - level 3

This piece of news explains the "story" of two animals that got friends in an extrange way. A tiger intented to eat the goat and it couldn't as the other animal became its friend. As their bond, the tiger had to sleep out of his hut!

While I was searching  an article, I saw THE GOAT AND TIGER BECOME FRIENDS. At first, I thought it was interesting to read it. After reading this piece of news, my opinion has changed. It's only a fact. Otherwise, it's not usual to see a relationship between a tiger and a goat.

Read more: http://www.newsinlevels.com/products/goat-and-tiger-become-friends-level-3/

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

New Year Resolutions

The New Year Resolutions are those things that you propose to do or complete during the new year.
My New Year Resolutions are:

  1. Work during the summer
  2. Travel more
  3. Go to more Sporting Events
  4. Back up my computer
  5. Get more organized
  6. Watch series in English