miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

TED Talks: Science connected to fashion?

Once I've seen some of the videos, I'm going to comment them. The first conference I saw is titled as Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothes. As the title say, it talks about designing our clothes from our home. While Danit Peleg, the fashionable designer, was doing a fashion work in a school she thought about something new which consisted in elaborating our clothes and printing them. This person managed to design and create five different outfits (with a 3D builder printer) that were a mixture of flexible and strong at the same time. This made possible the everyday wear of this clothes.

The second video I saw is "called" Wearing nothing new. Jessi Arrington tells us that we don't have to buy new things to look better. She says we can just buy second-hand clothes and we can still being awesome and even more original and creative. As an example, she showed seven different second-hand outfits, one per day.

The third video I watched is Looks aren'teverything. Believe me, I'm a model. What Cameron Russell is telling us is that the picture of ourselves is power. Although, it's superficial, too. This model is considered honest by herself and she answered some questions that people usually ask her. The first question she answers is about how did she become a model. Then, she talks about if little girls could become models once they had grown up. Cameron also comments the "photoshopping" and the edited photos. Of course, most of them had been retouched to build the perfect girl or even a model for thousands of little girls that try to imitate her. At the end, after she had answer the questions, admits that she is insecure. She is considered like this because she has to think in his physical appearance every day. Even if she received many benefits in her favour, it didn't make her feel happy.

The last video I'd like to comment is Grow your own clothes. In this talk, Suzanne Lee explains us another way to create cloths which consists in growing a kombucha. To do it, you have to do a biotical process that includes these ingredients: green tea, sugar, microbes and time. Once this process is completed, you give the shape you want to change it in what you want. Suzanne is only showing her experiment but, of course, the other clothes's materials (wooden, leather...) are needed too.

As a conclusion, I'd like to say that what I've watched is interesting but I don't really see the point of the matter of some of these talks. For me, the idea of thinking new ways to earn money is good but, in my opinion, we are not going to substitute the kombucha for wooden. Nevertheless, I liked the video which Cameron Russell was talking because I think she had been very honest to us, the audience. I enjoyed that she finally confessed she was insecure because, probably, most of the models would never admit that they are just because they don't want to appear "less important".

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