sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017

Addiction to Technology

Resultat d'imatges de gameboy color
Game Boy Color
According to the subject (global issue) we have recently done at class, I'm going to talk about one of them: addiction, related to technology. This global issue and especially to social media affects us very much as we spend most of the time with our smartphones.

In my opinion, we are all addicted to technology but with different grades. There is no one that doesn't look at any screen. The ones who were born since 1995 are addicted to any kind of technology. For example, I began being addicted to videogames at 4. I didn’t spend three hours per day playing Pokemon or Pac-Man but I did spend one. So it was my mum who taught me how to use the Game Boy Color. Since I got this video game console, she also got interested in this virtual world. She enjoyed a lot playing Pac-Man, so in her free time she used to play it. So I consider myself a low addicted person in video games. However, I am a high addicted person to social network or just to the smartphone. I spend about four hours per day using my mobile phone. What I usually use is social media (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram...) but I also play some simple mobile games such as Candy Crush. So this is me, and I'm sure there are lots of teenagers that are in my position.

Resultat d'imatges de addiction of technologyI think we must stop using that much social media because if not we're going to be at "super addicted level". Of course we have to continue using Twitter (or others) to communicate our feelings but nowadays this fact has overpassed the communication of feelings. As I said in others texts, technology simplifies our lives and in this case it's trying to help us to communicate easier with other people. However, it doesn't help as the number of "super addicted people" is increasing considerably per year. I know a person who was in my class at second of ESO who only chatted by using his personal computer. He didn't even say "Hello" in the morning. His brain was living in that virtual world which now he can't get out of it. I'm not saying that technology is not helping at all, because it does help. For example, if we have a question at home of some homework, we only have to write an email to the teacher.

So is not technology's fault, it's our fault. We decide where the limit of consumerism (of addiction) is. And of course we must regulate it in case we don't want to finish as the boy I mentioned before.

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