domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Disney Scientists Turned an Entire Metal Room into a Wireless Charger


Resultat d'imatges de Disney Scientists Turned an Entire Metal Room into a Wireless Charger
Disney doesn't stop in what technology facts refers. They have managed to transform a metal room into a wireless charger. The surprising fact is that this room can boost ten objects at the same time. The objective they wanted to achieve was that they wanted a room where while someone is walking, the battery of your cell phone wouldn't decrease. Also, the room has got furniture which doesn't interfere in the electromagnetic field. Humans can stay there with totally security as the wireless power doesn't overtake the 1.9 kilowatts of power

My opinion

In my opinion, what The Walt Disney Company has managed to develop is absolutely incredible even if there are some devices that can be charged without wires. When I read the title of this news, I was very impacted because sometimes I had thought about it. I have always wanted to be at someplace where you could stay without worrying about the battery of my phone. I think, most of the teenagers have thought about it because when we run out of battery we get bored because we don't what to do.
I hope this creative and useful technology can come to our homes and we can enjoy it.

You can find some information here

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