domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Autonomous Delivery Robots to Hit Virginia's Streets


Resultat d'imatges de delivery robots
Autonomous delivery bots will be able to travel on sidewalks in the state of Virginia during the next summer. These robots are designed to deliver parcels within a two-mile radius in 15-30 minutes. This robot weights about 19 Kg and can support about 10 Kg and travels at 4mph. These robots must obey traffic rules and signs and they also must display a plate identifying the owner's name, contact information and as well as unique identifying number.

For precaution, these bots are under supervision: a human is controlling their navigation and operation. To this task, the humans who control them are using an app.

My opinion

As I did in the others "My opinions" I agree on what the Virginia Government has just accepted. I can't see why the other states of EEUU don't accept it. In fact, these robots are simplifying our lives. They are bringing to us things. However, I see a negative point. The use of robots, in all ranges, is putting human jobs out. For me, the law accepted is okay because I'm not working yet, but I'm sure that if I ask someone else (that works) wouldn't think the same as me. 

For the other people, the ones that have to receive the goods, it's a good point because they don't need to move from home. Nowadays, we have become lazier because of technology. Technology should improve, of course, but we should keep in mind that affects to us, in employment, I mean.

Some big companies, like Domino's Pizza or Just Eat invented their own robots to bring the food that the people bought. These robots were designed to bring as far as ten hot pizzas before they get cold. In fact, the owners of these big companies are very interested in getting benefits, so, for them, it's better to invest in building a robot that having some stuff delivering pizza and paying them.


You can find this news here

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